When was the First Frisbee Invented


The first Frisbee was invented in 1948 by Walter Morrison. He initially called it the “Pluto Platter.”


A simple invention born from the pleasure of tossing a popcorn tin lid or pie plate turned into an enduring outdoor game enjoyed by millions. The first excursion into the world of flying discs began when Walter Morrison envisioned a flying object that was more stable and aerodynamic than impromptu household items.


His invention took shape as the “Pluto Platter,” which Wham-O Toys branded as the Frisbee in 1957. Capturing the essence of Americana, the Frisbee’s flight through parks and beaches has become synonymous with leisure and fun. The name itself pays homage to the Frisbie Pie Company, whose pie tins were the original inspiration for the disc’s playful airborne journey. From its humble roots, the Frisbee evolved into a staple of outdoor activities and even led to sports like Ultimate Frisbee and Disc Golf.

When was the First Frisbee Invented


Credit: www.history.com



The Birth Of The Flying Disc

The origin of the Frisbee is a tale of fun, flying objects, and creative invention. This simple yet captivating toy has a history that spans back to the late 19th century, transforming from a humble kitchen utensil to the beloved flying disc we know today.

Early Tossing Games

Long before plastic toys, children and adults enjoyed outdoor games involving tossing objects. Some of these early games included:

  • Throwing pie plates made of tin for fun.
  • “Tin Lid Toss”, a popular game using jar lids.
  • Playing catch with anything that could glide through the air.

Fred Morrison’s Cake Tin Inspiration

In 1948, Fred Morrison captured the imagination of future generations. His invention’s story began with an ordinary cake tin. One day, Fred Morrison discovered that tossing a cake tin could entertain people for hours. This simple act sparked an idea that would revolutionize playtime around the world.

Morrison began designing what he called the “Pluto Platter”. He refined the shape of a cake tin into a more aerodynamic form. His design improvements allowed the disc to fly higher, further, and more accurately than any pie tin could. By 1957, Morrison’s invention was ready for public enjoyment, leading to what we today call the Frisbee.

When was the First Frisbee Invented


Credit: www.themountaineagle.com


From Pie Tins To Pluto Platters

The Frisbee, a timeless outdoor toy loved worldwide, boasts a history as intriguing as its flight. What started as simple pie tins flung across college campuses evolved into the sophisticated flying discs we recognize today. This journey from kitchenware to iconic leisure equipment has curious and humble beginnings. Let’s explore how a pie company inadvertently set the stage for a global phenomenon and how an inventor’s vision took to the skies.

Frisbie Pie Company’s Inadvertent Contribution

Frisbie Pie Company’s Inadvertent Contribution

The Frisbee’s tale begins in the late 19th century with the Frisbie Pie Company in Bridgeport, Connecticut. College students nearby discovered a unique use for the empty pie tins. Rather than tossing them into the trash, they threw them to each other, yelling “Frisbie!” to alert the catcher. This fun caught on, leading to the creation of a new pastime.

Morrison’s Design Evolution

Morrison’s Design Evolution

Fast forward to the 1940s when Fred Morrison envisioned something greater for these flying objects. Coupling his World War II pilot experience with a fascination for flying saucers, Morrison began crafting prototypes. His determination paid off with the invention of the Pluto Platter, the Frisbee’s direct ancestor. It was in 1957 that toy company Wham-O took notice, bringing Morrison’s design to a eager mass market. The Pluto Platter was later renamed to the Frisbee, a nod to the original pie tin inspiration.

Wham-o: The Name That Flies

The story of the Frisbee’s flight begins not with a toss, but with a pie plate. In the 1950s, a toy emerged that would soar into the hearts of millions. It was a simple design, a plastic disc, but its ability to glide gracefully through the air made it an icon. The company responsible for this toy’s rise to fame was none other than Wham-O, a name synonymous with fun, outdoor play, and the sweet spot of American culture.

Before Wham-O stepped in, the flying disc was a homemade pastime. Students tossed pie plates from the Frisbie Pie Company. These flights of fancy caught the eye of one visionary: Fred Morrison. With a dream to elevate this simple game, he shaped the future of disc play.

In 1957, Wham-O, founded by Richard Knerr and Arthur Melin, discovered Morrison’s invention. They saw its potential and decided to bring it under their wing. The purchase laid the foundation for a new wave of outdoor entertainment.

  • 1955 – Morrison’s design wins the California State Fair.
  • 1957 – Wham-O buys Morrison’s design.
  • 1964 – Wham-O sells millions of discs.

Wham-O had a knack for catchy names. They wanted something memorable yet representative. They took inspiration from the pie plates once thrown by Yale students. The name “Frisbee” was born. The clever branding played on nostalgia and intrigue, igniting a cultural phenomenon.

Year Milestone
1958 Frisbee gets its trademark.
1967 Professional Model Frisbee is released.
1980s Frisbee becomes a sporting staple.

Wham-O’s mission was clear: make it fly, make it fun, make it Frisbee. This timeless toy has since shaped outdoor activities and competitive games, making Wham-O a true giant in the world of play. From college campuses to professional sports, the Frisbee’s journey is a testament to the power of a good catch.

Frisbee’s Rise To Popularity

The simple act of throwing a flying disc has gone from a pastime to a global phenomenon. Initially created in the late 1940s, the first plastic disc, now known as the Frisbee, was produced by Wham-O in 1957. The joy and accessibility of Frisbee quickly caught on, catapulting it into popularity.

Expanding beyond the college scene

Expanding Beyond The College Scene

Frisbees found their first fans in college students, soaring across campuses nationwide. Soon, families and friends everywhere embraced the disc, tossing it at parks, beaches, and backyards. This growth reflected a cultural shift. A simple college trend evolved into a mainstream staple.

Disc sports and community impact

Disc Sports And Community Impact

  • Disc Golf: This sport combines Frisbee throwing skill with the goal-focused fun of golf.
  • Ultimate Frisbee: A team sport played with a disc, growing in professional leagues.
  • Frisbee Freestyle: Players perform tricks, displaying their control and creativity.

These disc sports not only added new layers to Frisbee’s appeal, they also fostered communities. Parks filled with goal posts, leagues formed, and players shared a sense of belonging. The Frisbee’s effect reached beyond recreation; it built connections and influenced healthy, active lifestyles.

Cultural Icon And Lasting Legacy

The humble beginnings of the Frisbee date back to the 1940s, but who could have predicted the soaring heights this simple disc would reach? From a fun beach game to a competitive sport, the Frisbee has become a cultural icon with a lasting legacy that continues to spin across generations.

Frisbee In Popular Culture

The Frisbee, a symbol of fun and freedom, quickly found its place in popular culture. People embraced the flying disc for its simplicity and the joy it brings to outdoor gatherings. Here’s how the Frisbee spins through popular culture:

  • On Screen: Movies and television shows often showcase characters tossing a Frisbee, cementing its association with leisure and play.
  • Music Festivals: Spectators often engage in casual tosses between acts, with the Frisbee becoming as much a staple as the music itself.
  • College Campuses: Students have been known to unwind by playing Frisbee on the quad, introducing incoming classes to this timeless pastime.

Innovations And Modern Disc Sports

From its modest start, the Frisbee sparked a flight of innovations and gave rise to various disc sports. Here are some remarkable advancements in the world of flying discs:

  • Materials: Development of lighter and more durable plastics enhanced Frisbee performance and durability.
  • Disc Golf: Combining the precision of golf with Frisbee throwing skills, disc golf has grown into a sport with its own courses and professionals.
  • Ultimate Frisbee: This team sport has gained global recognition, with games played in over 80 countries and consideration for Olympic inclusion.

These new takes on the classic Frisbee ensure its presence will continue to bring people together, challenging players and delighting fans for years to come.

When was the First Frisbee Invented


Credit: www.history.com


Frequently Asked Questions On When Was The First Frisbee Invented


When Was Frisbee Invented?


The Frisbee was invented in 1948 by Walter Morrison.


Who Discovered Frisbee 1968?


The Frisbee was not “discovered” in 1968; it was invented by Walter Morrison and produced by Wham-O in 1957.


What Object Was Thrown Before The Frisbee Was Invented?


Before the Frisbee was invented, people threw pie tins from the Frisbie Pie Company.


Did Yale Invent The Frisbee?


No, Yale did not invent the Frisbee. The flying disc was created by Walter Morrison, later produced by Wham-O.




Tracing the Frisbee’s journey from pie tin tosses to a pop culture phenomenon shows our love for simple, joyful play. Born from humble beginnings, the first Frisbee reminds us that creativity and innovation can soar from the most unexpected places.


As we close the lid on the disc’s origin story, remember to keep the spirit of fun flying in your own life’s adventures.

