How to Throw a Frisbee Underhand

To throw a frisbee underhand, grip it with your thumb on top and fingers below, swinging your arm forward from between your legs. Release the frisbee at waist height, flicking your wrist for spin.

Mastering the underhand frisbee throw offers a relaxed yet precise way to enjoy this timeless outdoor activity. Perfecting your technique not only enhances accuracy but also ensures a stable flight path, providing an enjoyable experience for players of all skill levels.

While the overhand throw is more common, the underhand technique is less stressful on the arm and can be equally effective in games or casual play. This guide will explain the essential steps to develop a smooth, underhand frisbee throw, ensuring you can impress friends and add variety to your throwing styles.

How to Throw a Frisbee Underhand



The Art Of Underhand Frisbee

Throwing a frisbee underhand is like painting a canvas with a graceful stroke. This subtle skill opens a world of casual play and strategic gaming. Mastery of underhand frisbee tosses can make you the artist of the field. The smooth arc and gentle release differentiate this throw in the frisbee discipline.

The Underhand Difference

An underhand frisbee throw is unique. Unlike the common backhand throw, it requires a flick of the wrist in an upward swing. This creates a softer toss perfect for short-range play. It’s about finesse, not power.

  • Allows for controlled, accurate throws
  • Suited for all ages and strengths
  • Ideal for playing in limited spaces

Embrace the underhand approach for a refreshing addition to your frisbee game.

Basics Before You Begin

Grasping the basics is essential. Proper technique ensures efficiency and enjoyment.

  1. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart
  2. Grip the frisbee rim with your fingers underneath and thumb on top
  3. Bend the knees slightly
  4. Swing the throwing arm down and back
  5. Focus on a smooth, fluid motion

Familiarize yourself with these steps to ensure a reliable underhand throw every time. Practice makes perfect, and soon the underhand throw will be a natural part of your playstyle.

Warm-up And Safety First

Before you launch your first underhand Frisbee toss, it’s crucial to prioritize warm-ups and safety. A proper warm-up routine can prevent injuries and improve your throwing skills. Let’s focus on getting your body and environment ready for an amazing Frisbee session!

Pre-throw Stretches

Stretching preps your muscles for the action ahead. Follow these simple stretches for a safe and effective start:

  • Arm Circles: Extend your arms and rotate them in large circles. Do ten forward and ten backward rotations.
  • Wrist Flexes: Hold your arm out and gently pull back your hand at the wrist, then push it down. Hold for five seconds each.
  • Side Twists: Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and twist your torso gently from side to side. Complete ten twists on each side.
  • Leg Swings: Hold onto a steady object and swing your leg forward and back. Do ten swings for each leg.

Ensuring A Safe Environment

Playing in the right area keeps everyone safe. Make sure the environment is ready:

  1. Scan for hazards such as rocks, holes, or broken glass.
  2. Choose a spacious area away from others not playing.
  3. Check for wind conditions; overly windy days can be challenging.
  4. Inform others nearby that you’ll be throwing a Frisbee.

Now with your muscles stretched and the environment checked, you’re set to throw your Frisbee underhand with confidence and care.

Gripping Techniques

Gripping Techniques are crucial for mastering the art of throwing a frisbee underhand. A good grip increases control and accuracy. Let’s explore how to hold a frisbee the right way.

Traditional Underhand Grip

The Traditional Underhand Grip is the most commonly used method. Follow these steps for a reliable hold:

  • Place your thumb on top of the frisbee.
  • Let your fingers naturally curl under the disc’s rim.
  • Keep your index finger along the edge for guidance.
  • Ensure a firm, but comfortable grip.

Alternate Grip Styles

Players often develop their own Alternate Grip Styles for personal comfort or strategic advantage. Explore these variations:

Different Underhand Grip Styles
Style Description
Fan Grip Spread fingers evenly under the disc for balance.
Power Grip Tuck all fingers tightly against the inner rim for drive.
Split Finger Grip Space out fingers for mixed stability and spin control.

Experiment with these grips to find one that feels natural and improves your throw. A proper hold is the first step to becoming a proficient frisbee player.

How to Throw a Frisbee Underhand


Body And Stance

Body and stance play a critical role in mastering the underhand frisbee throw. A good stance provides balance and allows for optimal use of the body’s power. Positioning and orientation are key elements that impact accuracy and distance.

Proper Foot Positioning

The way feet are positioned sets the stage for a successful throw. Begin with feet shoulder-width apart. Place the lead foot slightly forward. This stance ensures stability and prepares the body for motion.

  • Lead with your dominant foot: It should point towards the target.
  • Rear foot: Keep it perpendicular to the direction of the throw.
  • Bend knees slightly: This adds springiness to the throw.

Body Orientation For Optimal Throw

Body orientation is crucial for power and precision in an underhand throw. Align the body sideways relative to the target. This enables a full range of motion during the throw. Face the non-dominant side towards the target.

  • Shoulders and hips: Keep them in line with the feet.
  • Upper body: Slight forward lean engages core muscles.
  • Relax the arms: Tensed muscles can reduce throw efficiency.

Correct body and stance act as the cornerstone for throwing a frisbee underhand. By focusing on these aspects, throwers can achieve greater control and distance. Practice these fundamentals to master the underhand frisbee throw.

The Motion

Mastering the underhand frisbee throw involves precision and finesse. The Motion is the fundamental part of this technique. A smooth, controlled motion ensures a successful flight.

The Wind-up

Begin the wind-up by standing sideways to your target. Your dominant hand holds the frisbee, palm up.

  • Bend your elbow at a right angle.
  • Swing your arm back, preparing for the motion.
  • Shift your weight to your back foot.

Focus on a fluid movement. Remember, the wind-up sets the stage for your throw.

Release Point Mastery

Releasing the frisbee at the right moment is crucial. Timing is everything.

  1. Begin to transfer your weight forward.
  2. Your arm comes forward in a smooth, underhand arc.
  3. Aim to release the frisbee low and level.

Practice releasing the disc consistently to improve accuracy.

Practice And Troubleshooting

Mastering the underhand frisbee throw takes patience and practice. It’s not just about power; it’s also about finesse and precision. Whether you’re playing for fun or aiming to compete, the right techniques and some troubleshooting can turn a good throw into a great one. Let’s dive into common mistakes you should avoid and tips on perfecting your technique.

Common Mistakes To Avoid

Avoid these slip-ups to keep your underhand throw on track:

  • Releasing too early or too late changes the disc’s direction.
  • Not snapping your wrist can lead to less spin and control.
  • Overlooking your stance can imbalance the throw.
  • Forgetting to follow through might cut your throw short.

Perfecting Your Technique

Work on these tips, and watch your throw soar:

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, facing your target.
  2. Grip the disc with your thumb on top and fingers underneath.
  3. Draw the disc back, swinging your arm down and away from the body.
  4. Snap your wrist as you release, imparting spin to the frisbee.
  5. Follow through with your arm moving towards the target.

Practice these steps regularly, and adjust as needed. Soon, your underhand frisbee throws will be hitting the mark with precision and grace.

Advanced Underhand Frisbee Techniques

Throwing a Frisbee underhand isn’t just about getting it from point A to point B. It’s an art. Mastering advanced underhand Frisbee techniques can bring your game to a whole new level. Whether you aim to impress friends or enhance your competitive play, these skills are sure to turn heads.

Adding Spin And Control

Adding spin to your frisbee can make it fly straighter and farther. To add spin:

  • Hold the Frisbee with your index finger under the disc and your thumb on top.
  • Cock your wrist back as far as comfortable.
  • Release the disc with a flick of your wrist, not just your arm.
  • Practice this motion to ensure a consistent spiral on release.

Control is about direction and precision. Focus on these points:

  1. Stand with your shoulders squared to your target.
  2. Use your arm as a guide, pointing to where you want the disc to go.
  3. Release the disc at waist height to maintain a level throw.
  4. Follow through with your arm in the direction of your target.

Trick Throws And Games

For those who love a challenge, trick throws add flair. Try these:

  • The Skip: Aim low and use a hard throw to make the Frisbee skip along the ground.
  • The Curve: Tilt the disc slightly to curve it left or right as needed.
  • The Behind-the-Back: A surprising move that adds a wow factor to any game.

Incorporate these throws into games like:

Game How to Play
HORSE Copy your opponent’s throw or get a letter.
Frisbee Golf Target objects as holes in as few throws as possible.
Target Practice Throw at targets from different distances.
How to Throw a Frisbee Underhand


Frequently Asked Questions Of How To Throw A Frisbee Underhand

How Do You Throw A Frisbee Underhand?

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Grip the Frisbee rim with your thumb on top. Swing your arm down and under your body. Release the Frisbee smoothly at waist height, aiming slightly upward. Snap your wrist to impart spin during the release.

How Do You Throw A Frisbee Forearm?

To throw a Frisbee forearm, stand sideways, grip the disc with your thumb on top, and fingers underneath. Snap your wrist firmly while releasing the Frisbee at waist height, aiming slightly upward for optimal flight.

How Do You Throw A Frisbee Step By Step?

Stand with feet shoulder-width apart facing your target. Grip the Frisbee rim with your thumb on top. Draw your arm back, Frisbee leveled with the ground. Flick your wrist forward while releasing the Frisbee. Follow through with your arm towards the target.

What Are The 3 Types Of Frisbee Throws?

The three main types of Frisbee throws are the Backhand, the Forehand (also known as the Flick), and the Hammer. Each throw utilizes a distinct grip and release motion.


Mastering the underhand frisbee throw is a skill that enhances your game and impresses spectators. With practice, the steps outlined can lead to remarkable improvement. Embrace these techniques for your next outing, and watch your frisbee glide effortlessly across the field.

Happy throwing!